Notice of Appeal: live online service

01 August 2017

Appeals to the tax tribunal can now be filed online.

In June, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) launched its online service for filing a Notice of Appeal for tax cases. Readers may recall that we reported in May that this service was being trialled.

The service can be accessed on GOV.UK.

Via the online service, people can complete and submit a Notice of Appeal, as well as attach supporting documents such as the representative authorisation form, and the original decision, notice or review conclusion letter against which the appeal is being made. 

In an improvement to the form originally being trialled, the live service allows a partially completed Notice of Appeal to be saved and revisited. Incomplete applications may be saved for up to 14 days, giving people time to return later and submit a case.

Following submission, users receive details of their submitted case (through a printable PDF and email) and a case reference number.

During the two-month trial period (‘private beta’), around 90 submissions were sent via the online service and the MoJ have said that the feedback has been very favourable from representatives and unrepresented users alike. 

While this online service should be a positive development for the digitally enabled, it remains possible to lodge an appeal by post.