An expanded range of ADIT Webinars

Webinars: An expanded range of ADIT Webinars
19 April 2023

Led by experts from across tax practice, industry and government, our ADIT International Tax Webinars are a convenient, accessible way to keep up with the latest international tax developments.

As tax professionals around the world contend with a range of complex questions, demand for up-to-date information from experts has never been higher. Fortunately, it’s also never been easier to explore the latest topics with international tax thought leaders and to contribute on subjects that matter to you.

Highlights from last year’s programme of ADIT International Tax Webinars included a panel session on the UN Handbook and its implications for the taxation of extractive industries, featuring experts Anna Theeuwes, Chris Sanger, Emily Muyaa, Jim Robertson and Olivier Munyaneza. ADIT graduate Apurva Kejriwal discussed the transfer pricing consequences across the banking industry of the recent LIBOR phase-out, while ADIT Champion Ann Barnshaw Kengaaju and International Tax Affiliate Lakshmi Solayen explored the impacts of information exchange upon the rights of taxpayers.

We also began delivering webinars on international tax learning and the skills necessary to complete the ADIT exams, with ADIT tutor Lisa-Jane Harper and one of our award-winning students, Kieran Hutchinson Dean, offering their insights on how to effectively combine international tax study with career and family demands.

This year’s International Tax Webinar series will build and expand upon the topics encountered in previous sessions, as experienced by professionals, employers and clients. There is a nominal fee to register and attend each of these webinars, with free entry for those ADIT graduates who hold International Tax Affiliate status.

Meanwhile our fast-growing range of ADIT Network Webinars, featuring insights from members across national and regional ADIT communities, enables international tax professionals from Cyprus to Romania, and the Gulf to Southeast Asia, to connect and discuss the tax topics that are most specific to them. Entry to the ADIT Network Webinars is free for all participants.

To find information about upcoming ADIT webinars, access previous recordings, or suggest a topic for a future webinar, visit: