President's Page, May 2016
It is an understatement to say that the last 12 months have seen dramatic changes in the world of tax and in my final Pr...
President's page, April 2016
The CIOT is a public benefit organisation. Our members help individuals and businesses of all sizes comply with ever-inc...
President's page, February 2016
In the closing remarks I made in my inaugural speech as CIOT president published in Tax Adviser (June 2015), I stated: ‘...
President's page, January 2016
The government’s digital strategy is not constrained by modest ambition.
President's page, December 2015
The latest CIOT/IFS debate took place on Monday last week at the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) in central London and focus...
President's Page, November 2015
In the first Budget of this year the then coalition government announced: ‘It would be asking the regulatory bodies who ...
President's page, October 2015
Just before the summer break I had the privilege of signing more than 300 letters congratulating our students on passing...
President's page, July 2015
Ask yourself the following question: if a request dropped into your email inbox asking you to rate your experience with ...
President's page, June 2015
The announcement by George Osborne in his Budget speech on 18 March on the introduction of the new digital tax account h...