Raising standards in the tax advice market
The latest in a series of consultations on raising standards in the tax advice market was published in March 2024 (...
HMRC consultation on raising standards in the tax advice market
On Budget day, HMRC published a consultation document relating to their intention to raise standards in the tax advice m...
Reporting tax avoidance
The CIOT and ATT have prepared guidance for members reminding them about the requirements under Professional Conduct in ...
Reforming anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing supervision consultation response
In June 2023, HM Treasury consulted on the future of anti-money laundering (AML) supervision in the UK, setting out four...
CPD and Professional Indemnity Insurance: key changes to CIOT and ATT regulations and guidance
The last update to the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) regulations and guidance was in 2017 and represented a ...
CIOT input to European Commission work on tackling the role of enablers
The European Commission launched a public consultation in the summer on the policy options being considered to ‘improve ...
Repayment agents and raising standards in tax advice
The consultation was presented as part of the government’s agenda to raise standards in the tax advice market....
Reviewing annual continuing professional development requirements
CIOT and ATT members are reminded of the need to meet the requirements of the continuing professional development regula...
Mandatory professional indemnity insurance for tax advisers: CIOT, ATT and LITRG responses
CIOT, ATT and LITRG have each responded to the HMRC consultation on the possible introduction of a requirement for all p...
Self-Employment Income Support Scheme and Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme: Professional Standards guidance
Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS)