AGM: Association of Taxation Technicians

24 May 2022

The 33rd Annual General Meeting of the Association of Taxation Technicians will be held on Thursday 14 July 2022 at 14.00.

Civica have been appointed as scrutineers for the ATT AGM 2022. Access to the AGM Notice, Annual Report and Accounts and information regarding those standing for election to Council will be provided through links in an email sent to Association members by Civica in June. The CES proxy voting site will be accessible via a link in that email. If you prefer to receive a hard copy of the proxy form, please email: or telephone 020 8889 9203 and a form will be sent to you with a reply-paid envelope. You have until 12 July 2022 to return the form. A copy of the AGM Notice and Annual Report and Accounts can be found on the Association’s website:

A copy of the proxy form, AGM Notice and Annual Report and Statutory Accounts will also be available on the CIOT website later this month: