Do you want to help?

National Volunteers’ Week takes place from 1 to 7 June to celebrate the invaluable contributi on that volunteers make in all walks of life. Tax Adviser examines the different ways you can share your skills and experiences
In 2020, there were at least 681 volunteers across CIOT and ATT Committees, Steering Groups and Councils who contributed at least 19,719 hours of their time. We are continually looking for volunteers to contribute to the success of the organisations.
If you want to help to shape the future of the CIOT or ATT and the tax profession, volunteering is a way to make a real difference.
CIOT and ATT’s Council, Steering Groups and Committees and the branch network are all run by our members – volunteers who offer their time and expertise to provide essential direction, leadership, guidance and support to the organisations.
Volunteering is a great way to enhance and develop new skills, gain valuable experience and make a contribution to the wider profession, government and public as a whole.
Whether you are a student, newly qualified, a longstanding member or retired, it’s never too early or too late in your career to volunteer. We have exciting opportunities for you to join our Branch and National Steering Groups, Council and Committees.
What does being a volunteer mean? We offer a wide range of opportunities to suit all levels of skills and experience, both in the Branch network and Steering Groups and Committees of Council. The role and level of personal commitment will vary according to the activity and your other commitments but you should be prepared to:
- Attend meetings and contribute to the work of whichever Steering Group or Committee you join. Most of our Committees and Steering Groups meet four times a year at our Head Office in London but increasingly we are making use of online facilities.
- Contribute to the development of the group’s activities by offering professional comment and advice on current issues and developments from your own perspective and sharing practical experiences.
- Read meeting papers in advance of meetings.
Benefits of volunteering
Volunteering has many benefits, both personal and professional. These include:
- gaining new skills and valuable experience;
- opportunities to establish professional relationships with the tax authorities and government departments;
- opportunities to exchange views and experiences with fellow tax professionals, further developing your personal and professional networks;
- early access to information on key developments and innovations in the field of taxation;
- excellent additional material for your CV; and
- opportunities for continuing professional development.
Next steps
Details of our Steering Groups and Committees are on our websites at and
If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Jane Ashton (ATT) at [email protected] or Emma Barklamb (CIOT) at [email protected], who will give you any further information you need.
Once you know more and are happy with the commitment you will need to make, we will ask you to submit a brief CV so that we can learn a little more about you before we invite you to attend a meeting.
We look forward to hearing from you!