Exam Success 2024

Exam Results
On 17 July 2024, the CIOT and ATT announced the results from the examinations taken at the May 2024 exam session. 878 CTA candidates sat exams, and a further 445 candidates sat one or more papers on the ACA CTA Joint Programme (with ICAEW) and 51 candidates sat a paper on the CA CTA Joint Programme (with ICAS). 855 ATT candidates sat exams in May 2024 and 1,183 ATT CTA Tax Pathway candidates sat a combination of ATT and CTA papers.
The Institute President Charlotte Barbour said: ‘I would like to offer my warmest congratulations to candidates who have passed all of the necessary exams for CIOT membership, as well as those who have made progress towards becoming a CTA after passing one or more papers at the May 2024 examination session. They should be really proud of their hard work, dedication and effort. The exams set a high standard and all successful candidates can be proud.
‘311 candidates have now completed all of the CTA examinations and we very much look forward to welcoming them as members of the Institute in the near future. This includes 77 candidates on the ACA CTA Joint Programme, 10 candidates on the CA CTA Joint Programme and 82 candidates who have fully completed the ATT CTA Tax Pathway by passing the CTA element. I look forward to welcoming the new members into the Institute at the next Admission Ceremony.’
The Association President Senga Prior said: ‘I am delighted to congratulate all the successful candidates from the May sitting of our exams. In total, 855 ATT candidates and 580 ATT CTA Tax Pathway candidates sat 1,843 papers and 1,286 passes were achieved. 90 distinctions were awarded to candidates for outstanding performance.
‘Having taken the exams myself, I am well aware of the many hours of study required and I commend all the candidates for putting in the work necessary to achieve success. The ATT’s modular system means candidates can study at their own pace, within the five-year registration period, whether working towards full membership or to obtain Certificates of Competency in their specialist area. I look forward to meeting those who take up membership at our next Admission Ceremony.’
Information on the results and pass lists can be found on the CIOT and ATT websites and on the Tax Adviser website.