
Barrister, Chartered Accountant and Tax Adviser, Temple Tax Chambers, tel 020 7353 7884, email keith.gordon@templetax.com

Men in black

The question of employment status is currently a hot topic and there is no shortage of cases going through the Tribunal ...

Claim another day

When claims are made for income tax or corporation tax purposes, the first section to consider is usually the Taxes Mana...

The three stages

The late Leo Price QC was once appearing before the judicial committee of the House of Lords (the predecessor to the Sup...

The honest tooth

The arrival of Self Assessment more than 20 years ago meant that most challenges by (what is now) HMRC into a taxpayer’s...

The twist

In previous articles (for example, ‘The Rise and Fall of Christine Perrin’ in August 2014 and ‘La Peine Quotidienne’ in ...

Down on the farm

For many tax advisers, references to VAT and flat-rates remind one of the rules which permit many VAT traders to operate...