Caught Ashby, bowled Gordon
This is the report of a case that did not reach the First-tier Tribunal (FTT).
This is the report of a case that did not reach the First-tier Tribunal (FTT).
For a business, the ability to trade cross border can open up many new markets and opportunities.
In my article ‘Avoiding a trip up’ in February’s Tax Adviser, I highlighted how, when completing a VAT return relating t...
An inhibit is a flag set on the HMRC VAT computer at Southend to suspend payments shown as due to a taxpayer that would ...
In HMRC v Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health et al [2015] UKUT 0038 (TCC), the Upper Tax Tribunal considered ...
Unlike other tax regimes, one cannot simply apply to HMRC for an appropriate registration to carry on an excise business...
If you asked 100 accountants to name the trickiest VAT subject they deal with, I think that at least 90 would refer to ‘...
The mini one-stop shop (MOSS) went live on 1 January 2015, although it is still an optional means of accounting for VAT ...
HMRC are increasinglychallenging the commerciality of arrangements that are in place to recover VAT incurred on transact...
This article looks at trends in VAT planning and compliance in the past, in current times, and where those trends may be...