VAT groups with EU branches
The CFE ( published and submitted its Opinion Statement on VAT groups (
The CFE ( published and submitted its Opinion Statement on VAT groups (
The CIOT continues to engage with HMRC on the new penalty system. At a recent Penalty Forum meeting, two points of note ...
The new second-hand motor vehicle payment scheme (‘SHMVPS’) was due to be launched in October 2022.
Following on from our March 2023 article, ‘Tax and the Woodland and Peatland Codes’ (
Following stakeholder suggestions that the UK could enhance the position of the fund management industry by introducing ...
© Getty images/iStockphoto Taxpayers have encountered some long-term and severe delays in some areas of HMRC’s VAT cust...
HMRC have modernised the application process for a partial exemption special method (PESM), with the recent launch of an...
In the Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) report ‘Value added tax: routes to Simplification’ (tinyur
The CIOT and ATT, as well as other stakeholder representatives, have been collating member feedback and making submissio...
Prior to the UK’s exit from the EU, UK businesses importing goods from the EU would have self-accounted for the tax due ...