VAT treatment of private hire vehicles: ATT response
The consultation, first launched in April 2024, looks at the potential tax impacts of the earlier Uber Britannia Limited...
The consultation, first launched in April 2024, looks at the potential tax impacts of the earlier Uber Britannia Limited...
In July, the government published draft legislation to remove the specific tax treatment for income and gains from furni...
The CIOT used HM Treasury’s call for 2024 Budget representations to outline our concerns on some of the definitions cont...
Broadly, carried interest is the allocation of an equity fund’s profit share paid to investment managers in connection w...
The Scottish government is planning to publish a tax strategy alongside the draft Budget for 2025/26, which is expected ...
CIOT representation on repayment interest and commercial restitutionThere is an imbalance and unfairness in repayment an...
The CIOT and ATT broadly agreed with the suggested measures and areas for change that were identified in the consultatio...
LITRG is hearing from more and more people who are unsure about their state pension tax obligations.
Over the last three years, the ATT has been part of a working group with HMRC looking at how aspects of the process of e...
The Finance and Public Administration Committee of the Scottish Parliament are carrying out their pre-budget scrutiny in...