Construction Industry Scheme: landlord contributions to tenant works
HMRC are asking for evidence of the problems in practice with the Construction Industry Scheme when landlords make payme...
HMRC are asking for evidence of the problems in practice with the Construction Industry Scheme when landlords make payme...
A brief overview of the Employment Taxes Forum meetings attended by representatives of the CIOT, LITRG and ATT, includin...
The Compliance Reform Forum is a joint forum in which HMRC consult and communicate with representative organisations, in...
The CIOT, ATT and LITRG are represented on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme External Stakeholder Forum....
On Budget Day, 27 October, the ATT, CIOT and LITRG technical teams published several press releases, including some welc...
We strongly support HMRC’s efforts to deal with tax evasion like electronic sales suppression.
CIOT and ATT members are reminded of the need to meet the requirements of the continuing professional development regula...
LITRG responded to a Scottish government dialogue on a Minimum Income Guarantee.
The CIOT has submitted comments on the draft Finance Bill 2021/ 22 legislation on increasing the normal minimum pension ...
The CIOT commented on the draft legislation introducing a measure enabling publication by HMRC of information relating t...