Tax simplification: places to start improving our experience
There was a great deal in the Budget documents, but one paragraph in the Red Book stuck out.
There was a great deal in the Budget documents, but one paragraph in the Red Book stuck out.
There was much speculation ahead of the first Labour Budget in 14 years.
It might be an easy thing to overlook when we are busy pursuing our careers in tax, but even the busiest of us should pa...
Imagine a world where all your meals are cooked for you, your home is cleaned each week, you visit dozens of countries a...
If an error or omission leading to a loss of tax is uncovered, a voluntary disclosure should be made to HMRC as soon as ...
In the June issue of Tax Adviser, I reported on the Cooke case (‘Two DP or not two DP, that’s the problem’), where an in...
AI for Tax is a new short course designed to help kick start AI learning.
What are your biggest VAT memories of 2024? You will probably recall two major announcements.
A fundamental tenet of regulated emission trading schemes is that some businesses can reduce emissions at a lower cost t...
Remote and flexible working are now a common fact of working life.